
In The News


Option 1: Walkley Site

Option 2: Greenspace Site

What is the EA?

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What Can I Do?

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What Can I Do?

1. Join our campaign to Save Our Greenspace

2. Volunteer to help communicate our message

3. Contact all three levels of government funding this LRT project:

Federal - Contact our federal candidates
- Contact Premier Dalton McGuinty and minister Laurel Broten

- Contact Mayor Bob Chiarelli, Councillor Diane Deans, and other City Councillors as well -

4. Contact us at saveourgreenspace@rogers.com or call 613-521-4894 and keep us informed of your efforts.






Okay... here's the scoop.

The Provincial government is ready to just rubber-stamp the Environmental Assessment. They are planning to just ignore any of our letters and concerns.

The McGuinty's and Bob Chiarelli want no arguments or delays. They want the construction started and ribbon cutting long before the November election! Laurel Broten (the Environment Minister) has been instructed to approve the EA, and approve it now.

So what do we do? Yes, continue to write your letters of opposition to the EA to the Ministry.... but we have to do something else.... we have to find a way to STOP all work on the LR proposal. Too many problems are emerging and they are all being ignored for the sake of politics.

1. Lets concentrate on our Federal Conservative MPs in Ottawa. Let them know that you want the federal money conditional upon an 'unbiased assessment', and sobering second thought.

2. Concentrate on any Councilors who are planning to challenge Chiarelli for Mayor, and get their support up-front.

3. Concentrate on all Councilors and ask them to vote against the entire LR Proposal... to stop all work until AFTER the election.

4. Write letters to the Citizen and the Sun - asking them to stop all LR work until AFTER the election.