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Option 1: Walkley Site

Option 2: Greenspace Site

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Please contact the following people to voice your concerns about the Airport Parkway site:

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has posted a notice of commencement of an environmental assessment of the LRT proposal. Apparently they are required to do so before the federal government can release its share of the funds. The contact name is Eric Advokaat. It wouldn't hurt to bombard him with emails and calls voicing our concerns!


For further information on this environmental assessment, please contact:
Eric Advokaat
Senior Program Officer
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Ontario Regional Office
55 St-Clair Avenue East, Room 907
Toronto ON M4T 1M2
Telephone: (416) 952-1585
Fax: (416) 952-1573
Email address: eric.advokaat@ceaa-acee.gc.ca

and refer to CEAR reference number 05-01-9399






Minister of the Environment for Ontario - minister@ene.gov.on.ca

Laurel Broten
Minister of the Environment
135 St. Clair Ave W, 12th Flr
Toronto ON M4V 1P5
Tel : 416-314-6790
Fax : 416-314-6748

Mr. James O’Mara, Director
Environmental Assessment and Approvals Banch
Ministry of the Environment
2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 12A
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1L5
Fax: (416) 314-8452

Attn: Michael Harrison, Special Project Officer

Phone (416) 314-8221 or 1-800-461-6290
Fax: (416) 314-8452

Phil McNeely
Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Transportation
MPP Ottawa-Orléans

Councillor Diane Deans

110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1
Fax: 613-580-2520
Telephone: 613-580-2480

Bob Chiarelli
Telephone: 580-2496
Mayor of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1
Fax: 613-580-2509

Please contact the other City Councillors as well: http://www.ottawa.ca/city_hall/mayor_council/councillors/index_en.html

Dalton McGuinty
1795 Kilborn Ave
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 6N1
Telephone : 613-736-9573
Fax : 613-736-7374

David McGuinty
(613) 260-3779
1883 Bank Street
Ottawa, Ont
K1V 7Z9